Subject: Copland Control Panels Vol 2 Author: Francis Escuadro Uploaded By: Escuadro Date: 3/2/1996 File: Copland Control Panels VoÉ.sit (34508 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60226 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 813 Equipment: Mac Plus or later Needs: System 7.x; AOL 2.x or StuffIt Expander 3.x, ResEdit Keywords: DESKTOP ICON ICL8 ICN* SYSTEM7 SYSTEM 7: Dependent TYPE: Freeware Icons LIBRARY: MUT/Resources/ICxx's #6 --------------- Keywords: DESKTOP ICON ICL8 ICN* SYSTEM7 This is the short awaited sequel to my Copland Control Panels set, and I am proud to say they are as good or better than ever! These icons look best in 256 colors or more, are just fine in 4-16 colors, but I have to admit, look crummy in black and white. I'll work on those later, but for those of you color-capable AOL'ers, download these!. They're in both ResEdit and Get Info format, so you don't need that much (but ResEdit looks better.) ------------------------------------------------------------ Macintosh Utilities Forum Use Keyword: MUT This file has been checked for viruses with SAM 4.0.7 cls